The 3 Reasons Professional Teeth Cleanings Are Important

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If you wish to have a future with a beautiful and radiant smile, you need to keep up with your dental cleanings. It’s strongly recommended that you attend a dental cleaning and checkup every six months. That way your smile will stay in tip-top shape and you will be on the right track toward success. There are many reasons why professional teeth cleanings are important and beneficial, and some of those reasons are:

They prevent cavities
Dental cleanings wash potential cavity-makers away from your smile. Our team will scrub each tooth with a special tool and will thoroughly clean the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. Our team will also give you a fluoride treatment during your appointment, which may come in the form of a foam, gel, or varnish. This will help strengthen and nourish your smile, preventing tooth decay in the future.

They prevent tooth loss
Gum disease is a horrific dental condition that forms when plaque is left to grow on your smile. If the disease is not treated, it can result in tooth loss. The only way to completely remove the plaque from the surfaces of your teeth is to attend your dental cleanings.

They help brighten your smile
After your smile is completely cleaned, our team will polish each tooth to lift stains and add a little sparkle to your smile. This will help you achieve the whiter and brighter smile you have always wanted.

Call Lisa Halliday, DMD & Tom Halliday, DDS today at 707-996-6704 if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Lisa Halliday! Our dental team is happy to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to your phone call!